Photos from book event at the Dance Palace in Point Reyes Station, January 22, 2017

Fabulous author Jonah Raskin and I have a wonderful Q&A conversation at the Dance Palace in Point Reyes Station, January 22, 2017 -- and despite the howling wind and rain that day, about 70 people came out!  here are a few photographs taken by my friend Paula Hammett from that lovely evening:


Kevin Lunny introducing Jonah and I

Kevin Lunny introducing Jonah and I

me speaking, with a glamorous painting of a cow for company on stage!

me speaking, with a glamorous painting of a cow for company on stage!

my wonderful Sonoma State colleagues who braved the rain! Alexis, Richard, Paula, Maureen, me, Jonah, and Daniel.

my wonderful Sonoma State colleagues who braved the rain! Alexis, Richard, Paula, Maureen, me, Jonah, and Daniel.